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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Windows Azure and the "Cloud Computing" story(Part1)

I first heard the phrase "cloud computing" on one of my visits to my friend and mentor, Yinka (i visit him from time to time and we discuss information technology generally,we also argue on certain issues. Yinka works with a top notch IT solutions provider in Nigeria). at that time even He didnt have a clear-cut idea of what "cloud computing" was all about.

If you'v had your IT ear to the ground in the last 2 years, you would have heard the phrase "cloud computing" used in  place/collaboration with SAAS(Software-as-a-service), PAAS(Platform-as-a-service), IAAS(Infrastructure-as-a-service), and more recently, Windows Azure.
The concept of cloud computing is this;consider a company  XYZ( irrespective of size),XYZ can have their applications, databases, security/certificate servers located OUTSIDE XYZ complex/group of complexs.

let me paint a clearer picture, if a user in XYZ wants to use a spreadsheet /word processing software, he can simply connect to XYZ's "cloud", use the application, save changes back to the "cloud". now the cloud here represents an internet-facing  datacenter managed by IT solutions providers that specialise in rendering such a service. 

As for the origin of the term “cloud computing”, there are a few possibilities…

In May 1997, NetCentric tried to trademark the “cloud computing” but later abandoned it in April 1999. Patent serial number 75291765.

In April 2001, the New York Times ran an article by John Markoff about Dave Winer’s negative reaction to Microsoft’s then new .Net services platform called Hailstorm (if you want a laugh sometime, ask a Microsoft Azure person about Hailstorm). It used the phrase “‘cloud’ of computers”.

In August 2006, where Eric Schmidt of Google described there approach to SaaS as cloud computing at a search engine conference. I think this was the first high profile usage of the term, where not just “cloud” but “cloud computing” was used to refer to SaaS and since it was in the context Google, the term picked up the PaaS/IaaS connotations associated with the Google way of managing data centers and infrastructure.

Much like “Web 2.0″, cloud computing was a collection of related concepts that people recognized, but didn’t really have a good descriptor for, a definition in search of a term, you could say. When Schmidt Google used it in 2006 to describe their own stuff and then Amazon included the word “cloud” in EC2 when it was launched a few weeks later (August 24), the term became mainstream. People couldn’t definite it exactly, but they roughly knew it meant SaaS apps and infrastructure like Google was doing and S3/EC2 services like Amazon was offering.

On my next post we'l explore the relationships between cloud computing,SAAS,PAAS,IAAS,windows Azure.watchout for  WINDOWS AZURE and the CLOUD COMPUTING STORY(PART2).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

LINUX PUPPY is really a puppy!!

Ever heard of the product linux puppy? its really a lifesaver.i'v had friends, relatives, co-workers, .. get into the "handstied" dilemma. now let me describe the "handstied" dilemma: "your system refuses to boot, occasionally it boots up completely but seems to freeze,you try a system restore(like my friend Kay always would), still d same thing, u cant get hold of your operating system CD/DVD,or maybe you even have your OS CD/DVD but a repair(in the case of windows XP) doesn't solve the problem,you'v had it up to "here" with trying, you just want a way to get your important files out and do a clean format/install. Now thats the "handstied" dilemma.LINUX PUPPY to the rescue..
Now heres the procedure for getting and using linux puppy:

A.) Please take the opportunity now to bring your back up/archive/copy of all your important stuff 100% up to date, check that it's accurate, reproducible and held securely on removable media (not your hard drive)......

the idea here is to ensure that all your important data, files, spreadsheets, work, music, emails, log in details, user names, address book, drivers, letters, invoices, videos fact everything that is important to you (stuff that you would not like to permanently lose) is kept safe on external media. I recommend the use of a USB external hard drive for this.

Whilst you are doing this, collect together all your application installation discs (or downloaded installation executables) serial numbers, product licence keys (including the one for Windows itself and the Microsoft Windows installation disc and or Manufacturer's Restore and Driver/utilities discs.

If you have made a "disc image" using Paragon, Acronis, Ghost or one of the free disc imaging alternatives then keep this image safe also on removable media, verify it for correctness and reproducibility and ensure you have made a bootable CD/DVD for use in the event that Windows will not start.

Now here's the detailed instructions on how to download Puppy and burn it as an image.

B.) Download Linux Puppy from here:

Its a download of only about 100MB, so a broadband connection is advisable for the download... Puppy is an alternative operating system..... it does not need Windows to run, and the licence to use it is free of charge and comes included automatically. It is different in its interface from Windows, but sufficiently intuitive for most folks to use it successfully without problem.

C.) Burn the iso (that you have downloaded) to CD ROM as an "image" must be as an image, a copy will not work!........Imgburn is good for this, available from here:

NOTE by following this procedure you will have created a "self contained" operating system" (Linux Puppy and a bootable CD ROM all in one!

D.) Switch on your "original" computer and Set Bios to Boot from CD as first priority...on most Dells it's F2 to enter the Bios (set up) otherwise try F12, Esc or Delete.On some older Compaqs and HP's try F1, for Acers try F1 or F2 or Ctrl +Alt+Esc (the first screen on boot up usually gives the keys to press to enter "Set Up"..BIOS)

NOTE you will need to press the appropriate key (to enter the Bios) immediately after power on.

Your hard drive should be next in priority followed by USB/network if the settings provide these options. Remember to save your altered settings in the Bios before exiting

E.) With your external back up media plugged in to a USB port I.E. External USB hard drive, flash drive etc and the Linux Puppy CD ROM inserted into the CD drive, close down your machine and:

F.) Boot from the CD, you may get a message to "press any key to continue booting from CD" so allow this, Now follow the on-screen Linux Puppy prompts (remember don't install it) let it run in memory, it will be quite happy doing so, and will allow you access to your Hard drive so you can copy off to your external media anything you need. You will soon get used to Puppy and you'll find that you will be able to use the Internet and do most things that you want to do. However as you need to back up your files, I suggest you concentrate on copying off your important stuff first.If you are not experienced with using Linux then an easy way to copy files is to open windows of both the C drive from which you want to copy stuff and also your flash/USB drive, and then just use "drag and drop"/"copy and paste. Puppy will provide full support for USB drives and you should soon find you get the hang of things/i]

Wheww!! now that was easy aint it? so now you are ready to for a clean install.after installation copy your files back in place. Good luck with PUPPY.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Please press F8

i'm sure u guys are wondering,what on earth do i mean by my the title of my first post "please prss f8"(except for some windows tech people). anyways, its so named to welcome you my blog and all what i stand for. for those of you who dont know, F8 is a windows operating system hotkey that you pres during bootp to jumpstart an OS troubleshooting procedure.

There you go, this blog is setup to talk about issues in the operating system technologies, server technologies, standards, newstuff, job placements, advertisements. (in danger of having put the carriage before the horse), you are free to submit your  computer related issues/problems here and we(i mean i and great minds in information technology from around the world) will be all too glad to help.

occasionaly, i would post some interesting stuff about my day,week or month, but never too far from the subject of Information technology).

so before you call your consultant, engineer, ... remember to press F8.